Dr Susanne Herold

Susanne Herold is Director of the Department of Medicine V, Internal Medicine, Infectious Diseases and Infection Control; and Chair of Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Research at University Hospital Giessen and Marburg (UKGM). Dr. Herold’s research addresses the molecular mechanisms of phagocyte-epithelial cell interactions during pathogen-induced lung injury regarding host defense, epithelial barrier function, and stem cell niche-mediated tissue regeneration, with a focus on respiratory viruses such as influenza and corona. Her projects aim at defining novel therapeutic targets for treatment to attenuate lung injury and to foster organ regeneration in severe lung infection, in a translational bench-to-bedside approach. She has extensive experience in modeling pulmonary infections in classical murine model systems and also in alternative methods using precision-cut lung slices (PCLS) and cutting-edge organoid systems. Based on her research, she has implemented numerous multi-center pneumonia-related ARDS clinical trials to bring scientific knowledge into practice.