Djillali Annane


image of Djillali Annane


Djillali Annane is a professor in medicine at University Paris Saclay-and University Versailles SQY. He is director of General ICU at Raymond Poincaré Hospital, director of FHU SEPSIS, director of IHU PROMETHEUS, and Honorary Dean of Medical School Simone Veil. He is ranked among the top 0.1% in the field of sepsis. He has contributed to international and multi-disciplinary guidelines, to about 630 peer–reviewed articles and about 170 book chapters. He held or currently holds high-level strategic position in the public sector, including Chief Counsellor of the French Minister of Health, Chair of the Health Ministry Task Force against Sepsis, member of the board of directors of the Curie Institute, member of several WHO Working Groups, past President of the French Society of Intensive Care Medicine, past Vice President of the national council of deans of medical school.